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Andréa Calek

Localisation du Domaine Andréa Calek

Valvignères (Ardèche) ; 5 ha  en BIO certifié

Histoire du Domaine Andréa Calek

Parti de République Tchèque – où il fit de nombreux métiers – et après plusieurs expériences viticoles – Domaine Hauvette, Yann Rohel –  Andréa Calek rencontre Gérald Oustric en  Ardèche en 2007 qui finit pas lui céder 5 ha de vignes pour créer son propre domaine.  Dès le départ, il suit la voie du vin naturel sans sulfites, mais pas sans risque. Après quelque essais pas toujours transformés, il est devenu une référence en la matière, et exporte ses vins dans le monde entier. 

4 produits
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What does the name organize mean?

This can be so diverse depending on the personality of their sire, that it is easier to define what it is not. An author wine is anything but a standard, stereotypical wine, made to please as many people as possible. It is therefore rarely produced in millions of copies, copying itself from vintage in vintage.

An author wine is therefore a wine that does not look like that of the neighbor. Which from year to year will evolve according to the vagaries of the weather and the mood of the author - the two that can be linked. Because the author does not rely on market studies to carry out his boat. He makes his wine as he feels, as he likes, as he can, sometimes ... and too bad if he does not please everyone.

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