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![Pinot noir Bugey 2022](
Pinot noir Bugey 2022
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Le domaine en images en cliquant ICI !
Texte issu de la documentation de Franck Peillot
Superficie = 70 ares.
Production moyenne annuelle = 5000 bouteilles
Situation = Sur la commune de LHUIS, hameau de Rix, lieu-dit Barlet. Terre ocre – Terrain de limons fins mêlés d’éboulis calcaires locaux ( jurassique ) avec quelques galets ronds d’origine alpine. Sous sol très pauvre = sable et graves mélangés. Pied de coteau filtrant et bien drainé.
Conduite du vignoble = 5000 à 5500 ceps par ha. Palissage classique – Taille guyot simple. Cépage = Pinot noir 100% Au départ originaire de Bourgogne, le Pinot que je cultive à LHUIS est une sous - variété à port érigé, issu de Champagne. Producteur un peu plus abondant certaines années, par rapport à ses cousins Bourguignons, la souche Champenoise permet ( quelquefois après vendanges en vert ) d’obtenir de beaux vins. Année de plantation = 1984 – 1989 – 1990. Porte-greffe = SO4 et 3309
Vinification : Récolte manuelle – Pour l’instant aucun égrappage ( cuvaison grappe entière ). Cuvaison semi-longue ( 8 à 10 jours ) en cuve ouverte, sans sulfitage jusqu’à la fin de la fermentation malo-lactique. Pressurage pneumatique. Elevage cuve Inox 6 à 8 mois. Mise en bouteilles de Mars à Juillet suivant la récolte. SO2 libre Inférieur ou égal à 20mg, SO2 total inférieur ou égal à 30mg en général.
Dégustation : La robe est pourpre translucide. Le nez est fin, aérien, sur la cerise mûre, la terre humide et les épices. La bouche est ronde, ample, enrobante, déployant une matière faussement légère, caressante, à la texture entre soie et velours, exprimant un fruit frais et gourmand. Cela se descend tout seul, sans la moindre satiété (attention, donc !). La finale prolonge la bouche sans le moindre à-coup, avec un fruit encore plus frais et croquant, rendant ce vin définitivement addictif. On vous aura prévenu !
11.5 % Alc. Vol.
House founded in 2003
One of the widest selections of the web of authors' wines and craftsmen
What is an author wine?
This can be so diverse depending on the personality of their sire, that it is easier to define what it is not. An author wine is anything but a standard, stereotypical wine, made to please as many people as possible. It is therefore rarely produced in millions of copies, copying itself from vintage in vintage.
An author wine is therefore a wine that does not look like that of the neighbor. Which from year to year will evolve according to the vagaries of the weather and the mood of the author - the two that can be linked. Because the author does not rely on market studies to carry out his boat. He makes his wine as he feels, as he likes, as he can, sometimes ... and too bad if he does not please everyone.
This is why author wines are sometimes classified as "table wine" or "France wine". Because the winemaker did not plan the authorized grape variety*, makes the assembly or vinification recommended in the name **. He is often a bit rebellious, our author. But that is why we like it! ... That said, author's wines are not systematically marginal: they are present in most of the appellations, and can be part of the elite of these this***. Because they are not content to have personality: they are good, in addition! With in general aDegree of TorchabilityVery high: we never tire of it at the end of the first sip.
As author's wines are not chaptalized, levied, hacked ... They can have very different profiles depending on the vintage. It is up to us (resellers and consumers) to accept them as they are, and to remain faithful to the producers, because they need us to continue their activity.
* For example, theTouriga Nacionalin the Minervois, or theSyrahIn Forez ribs. They are crazy, these authors!
** Some winegrowers dare to produceSweety with Mourvèdre or oneNatural sparkling with Pineau d'Aunis
*** Like those of Jean-François Ganevat in the Jura or Zind-Humbercht in Alsace