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Agiorgitiko The Lion 2019


Giannikos winery





Agiorgitiko The Lion 2019 Agiorgitiko The Lion 2019
Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017
18,97 €
puissant et fruite
🚚 Livraison

Delivery within 4/5 working days, express by UPS, Chronopost or Fedex at home, on a relay point or by messaging

Agiorgitiko The Lion 2019

Agiorgitiko The Lion 2019

Applepay, 3x payment at no cost Klarna and different payment methods available 💳

CB, Applepay, payment in 3 times Klarna, Transfer, Bancontact, CBC, Sfort, Giropay, IDEAL, EPS, Postpay, Maestro, American Express, Landscard, Belfius, Przlewy24 , ...

En savoir plus


1896 La Grèce ravive la flamme olympique en accueillant les premiers jeux olympiques internationaux modernes. C'est aussi l'année où la famille Giannikos a planté ses premières vignes dans le sol riche de l'ancienne Mycènes, berceau de la viticulture grecque il y a près de 4 000 ans.

1996 Cent ans exactement après la fondation du domaine, un incendie dévastateur rase les vieux bâtiments. Poussé par l'enthousiasme de la jeunesse et l'héritage de ses ancêtres, Michalis Giannikos a régénéré l'entreprise familiale indépendante, a construit une cave moderne sur les pentes de l'ancienne Corinthe et a planté plus de vignes. La cave Giannikos renaît.

2009 Après la modernisation continue de la cave et l'étroite collaboration avec un œnologue expérimenté, la qualité de nos vins a atteint un nouveau niveau et les premières exportations de vins Giannikos ont été réalisées.

Cépage : Agiorgitiko 100%

Origine : Vignoble Mycènes

IGP Péloponnèse, Grèce

Vinification : Vinification : Vendangé et trié à la main, le raisin est encuvé pour la fermentation 2-3 semaines. Puis il est élevé en fûts de chêne français pendant 12 mois.

Dégustation : La robe est grenat sombre translucide. Le nez a un côté sombre ténébreux, sur l'encre, le graphite, des notes animales, le poivre de Séchuan ... et un peu de fruit, tout de même. La bouche est ronde, ample, veloutée, avec une belle fraîcheur renforcée par un filet de gaz carbonique, une matière souple, finement tannique, au fruit là encore "ténébreux" qui lui donne un côté sexy et mystérieux., complété par la suie et le poivre (forcément noir). La finale est plus concentrée, mais plus fraîche, aussi, avec un côté séveux / balsamique sur la réglisse, le ciste et l'eucalyptus.

Accords culinaires : Viandes grillées de porc ou d'agneau, saucisses, volailles et plats de pâte

Alcool : 13.5 %


House founded in 2003

One of the widest selections of the web of authors' wines and craftsmen

What is an author wine?

This can be so diverse depending on the personality of their sire, that it is easier to define what it is not. An author wine is anything but a standard, stereotypical wine, made to please as many people as possible. It is therefore rarely produced in millions of copies, copying itself from vintage in vintage.

An author wine is therefore a wine that does not look like that of the neighbor. Which from year to year will evolve according to the vagaries of the weather and the mood of the author - the two that can be linked. Because the author does not rely on market studies to carry out his boat. He makes his wine as he feels, as he likes, as he can, sometimes ... and too bad if he does not please everyone.

This is why author wines are sometimes classified as "table wine" or "France wine". Because the winemaker did not plan the authorized grape variety*, makes the assembly or vinification recommended in the name **. He is often a bit rebellious, our author. But that is why we like it! ... That said, author's wines are not systematically marginal: they are present in most of the appellations, and can be part of the elite of these this***. Because they are not content to have personality: they are good, in addition! With in general aDegree of TorchabilityVery high: we never tire of it at the end of the first sip.

As author's wines are not chaptalized, levied, hacked ... They can have very different profiles depending on the vintage. It is up to us (resellers and consumers) to accept them as they are, and to remain faithful to the producers, because they need us to continue their activity.


* For example, theTouriga Nacionalin the Minervois, or theSyrahIn Forez ribs. They are crazy, these authors!

** Some winegrowers dare to produceSweety with Mourvèdre or oneNatural sparkling with Pineau d'Aunis

*** Like those of Jean-François Ganevat in the Jura or Zind-Humbercht in Alsace

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