Livraison à partir de 9.50€ pour la France !

Franco à 250€ de commande pour le France continentale et la Belgique. 

Closing (domine markl)

GC Mambourg


Le domaine Marcel DEISS, situé à Bergheim, au cœur du champ de failles de Ribeauvillé, tire son originalité de la pratique assidue de la biodynamie sur l'ensemble du vignoble de 32 ha, produisant à faible rendement des vins obtenus par retour à l'ancienne tradition viticole alsacienne de la Complantation. Cet art de faire vivre ensemble dans la parcelle viticole les cépages adaptés au terroir, permet seul l'obtention d'une véritable stabilité de la personnalité de chaque terroir. ( tant premier Cru que Grand cru). A déguster pour se convaincre qu'un vrai terroir est toujours plus fort que le cépage planté…..!




What does the name organize mean?

This can be so diverse depending on the personality of their sire, that it is easier to define what it is not. An author wine is anything but a standard, stereotypical wine, made to please as many people as possible. It is therefore rarely produced in millions of copies, copying itself from vintage in vintage.

An author wine is therefore a wine that does not look like that of the neighbor. Which from year to year will evolve according to the vagaries of the weather and the mood of the author - the two that can be linked. Because the author does not rely on market studies to carry out his boat. He makes his wine as he feels, as he likes, as he can, sometimes ... and too bad if he does not please everyone.

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