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Chez Coste 2022





Chez Coste 2022
Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017
29,90 €
vin biodynamique

Delivery planned between 3 and 6 days. Delivery costs not included

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En savoir plus

Description of wine 🍷

Un vin d'une finesse et d'une pureté irréelle. Un très grand gamay !

Cépage : Gamay St-Romain

Terroir : Coeur de parcelle de Perdriziere dite "Culture" plantée sur un sol de gorrhe, riche en manganèse. Altitude : 400 mètres. Exposition Est.

Vignes : 30 ans. Vignes palissées. Taille Guyot simple. 8 500 pieds/ha.

Mode de culture : vignes conduites en biodynamie - Certification FR-Bio-01-Ecocert Agriculture France

Vendanges : manuelles.

Vinification : 100 % éraflage

Vinification : en amphore sans soufre. 15 jours environ de fermentation alcoolique puis macération lente de 6 mois grâce aux levures indigènes. Manuel de mise en pression. Élevage de 6 mois en amphore sans souffrance Soutirage et protection en soufre ( 25mg/l ) avant mise en bouteille effectuée par nos soins.

amazing wines

An opportunity to surprise you

amazing wines

An opportunity to surprise you

amazing wines

An opportunity to surprise you

amazing wines

An opportunity to surprise you

amazing wines

An opportunity to surprise you

amazing wines

An opportunity to surprise you

amazing wines

An opportunity to surprise you

amazing wines

An opportunity to surprise you

What is an author wine?

This can be so diverse depending on the personality of their sire, that it is easier to define what it is not. An author wine is anything but a standard, stereotypical wine, made to please as many people as possible. It is therefore rarely produced in millions of copies, copying itself from vintage in vintage.

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